Avail The Best Wellness Treatments at Bandra West Mumbai
The circle of life orbits around the birth and death of any individual. Every human being wants to leave his or her genes as progenies in this world. However, the reproductive problems from diverse sources are injuring both the bodily processes and the mental stability of today’s women. Medical organizations that offer both physical and psychological care are in demand and not easily found.
At Beborn Studio Mumbai, we provide the top-level healthcare to our patients within a reasonably priced financial plan. Our medical lineup is well-informed and capable in the cutting-edge practices and procedures of wellness treatment.
PCOD management
Polycystic ovary Disease/ Syndrome is a lifestyle modification disease. It is also associated with insulin-resistance, infertitity, obesity and cosmetic concerns as in acne, hair growth. Managing symptoms can improve quality of life and ensure fertility. We at BeBorn Studio Bandra west work with top Gynecologist and Dietician to provide holistic nutrition and support for PCOD management.
Contraception/ Birth-control
There are many contraceptive choices available which enable a woman to make the choice of planning a baby.Depending upon your choice,medical issues and time limit of contraception, different ways can be suggested for the different patients.We at Beborn Studio help you choose the best out of all available contraceptive choices ensuring you stay healthy all through the use.
Pregnancy checkup
After a woman has conceived, there are tests to be continued throughout her gravid period. The doctor needs to determine the well-being of the fetus, which includes the blood tests, ultrasonography, allergen tests and immunity against Rubella. Any genetic or hereditary disease like Down’s syndrome, thalassemia also needs to be determined. We provide the proper counseling and treatmentsl should any problem arise thus helping you deliver healthy baby under our care.
Menopausal checkup, management of Urinary Incontinence & Uterovaginal Prolapse
Menopause is a natural aging process. There are several changes in the biological activity of woman physiology in this phase, and several tests may be needed to be performed to make sure you age healthy and to ensure a safe and smooth transition during menopausal hormonal changes.
Glutathione/ Vitamin IV Drip Hydration Therapy
Glutathione IV (intravenous) therapy involves adminstering this powerful antioxidant concoction with vitamins directly into the bloodstram for enhanced bioavailability. Glutathione is crucial for various bodily processes, plays a pivotal role in detoxification and immune function. Glutathione IV drip, a popular wellness treatment . The procedure is very quick, simple, and you can resume your daily immediately after. There is no downtime involved. The treatment effectively reduces the appearance of dark spots, lightens the skin, and improves elasticity, boosts immunity and curbs autoimmunity.
Adolescent check-up
The adolescence is a bridging time between the children and the adult age, where the body has achieved sexual maturity but the mind is yet to grasp the true consequences of certain life choices. Dealing with these bodily changes is difficult for females especially due to early puberty seen commonly now a days. We at BeBorn Studio (Gynecology) ensure your child transitions to adulthood in the most health balanced way. Children in their teen years, need sex education and we at BeBorn Studio, provide the emotional and medical support for the teens and parents.
Cervical cancer vaccination/ PAP smear
The cancer of the mouth of the uterus or cervix, known as cervical cancer and is usually caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV normally infected by unprotected sexual activity. However, there are affordable vaccination schedules available at BeBorn Studio Mumbai to counteract this disease.
PRP clitoral shot
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) derived from the body’s own blood is injected into the clitoris and the G spot augmentation (PRP/Dermal fillers) to rejuvenate these areas with improved stimulation. The PRP clitoral shot can produce better excitement from clitoral stimulation, a stronger orgasm, and revitalized look of the vulva. The effects of both the PRP clitoral shot will be long lasting.
G spot augmentation (PRP/Dermal fillers)
This is essentially soft tissue filler placed directly into the G-spot. This treatment can cause excitation in a woman with ease which results in deeper vaginal sensations and orgasm.
Warts, Skin Tags, Mole removal
Painless, instant wart removal done at BeBorn Studio ensures scar free healing.
Dental Wellness treatment
Our top in-clinic recommandations for dental health include Professional Cleaning/ Scaling and Flouride treatments. These help maintain tooth's enamel and gum health. In many cases if your cavity just started, a flouride treatment can reverse early cavities.