Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation is the process of saving or protecting eggs, sperms or embryos to preserve fertility so that a person can use them at a later stage of life to have biological children in future. Fertility preservation can be useful for people like:
- Exposed to chemicals at workplace
- Having endometriosis
- Wants to postpone childbearing to a later date
- About to be treated for cancer
- Genetic diseases that affect fertility in future
Fertility preservation for men
Men can preserve their fertility by preserving their sperm samples and use them in future for having their own biological kids. Male fertility can be preserved by the following ways:
Sperm cryopreservation
In this method the sperm sample obtained from the male through masturbation or another method such as testicular sperm extraction via needle is collected, frozen and stored. The sample can be frozen for years depending upon the time of use. The collected sperm can then later be thawed and used through IUI or IVF, whichever way suits the patient.
Fertility preservation for Women
Female fertility decreases with age; the biological clock ticks faster in females and much before menopause, they start producing abnormal eggs. Fertility preservation in women has come up as a blessing especially for the women who wish to delay motherhood to a later date. Types of female fertility preservations are-
Egg or Oocyte preservation- In this method the female is treated with synthetic hormones and the eggs are then retrieved. The retrieved eggs are then frozen and stored for a good long period until it is needed to be used.
Embryo cryopreservation- Embryo preservation is a method to preserve the embryo that is created using a sperm and an egg. It is suitable for couples who wish to delay parenthood.In this process the eggs are harvested from your ovaries, fertilized through in vitro fertilization (IVF) using sperm sample and embryos so formed are cryopreserved. The preserved embryo can be used by the couple at the later stage of life when they are ready to have a baby.
Role of fertility preservation in cancer treatments
Fertility preservation has played a vital role in preserving fertility of those who are fighting a tough battle with cancer. As everyone is aware, cancer treatment involves a lot of exposure to chemicals and radiations, which could be responsible for damaging your reproductive organs and hence disturbing your fertility.
The above services of cryopreservation are available at BeBorn Gynecology, Infertility Clinic in Mumbai. Patients are handled with utmost care and responsibility.