Follicular Monitoring

Getting pregnant is easy for those who conceive , while there are couples struggling to have this feeling experienced. To know the exact time of ovulation when the woman is the most fertile is very important.
Ovulation is the step that marks the onset of getting pregnant in a female. Where in some females it happens naturally in others it has to be induced to either initiate ovulation or to increase the number of egg release during ovulation. In a normal cycle only one egg is released whereas after ovulation induction 2-4 eggs are released. Every eggs are waiting to be fertilized, one of which gets released into the fallopian tube to get fertilized with the sperm. In case of no fertilization this egg is degenerated along with the uterine lining that was prepared anticipating the arrival of the egg for fertilization. The uterine lining is released by the process of menstruation.
What exactly is follicular study-?
Follicular study can be termed as the study of follicles. Every women is born with roughly 4,00,000 follicles. Each follicle is an aggregation of cells that is found in the woman’s ovaries. Each follicle releases one egg in a lifetime. Follicular study is done to check if the person is ovulating at that time. It starts with follicular tracking to study the development of the follicle as it grows in a cycle to finally check if and when it ovulates.
For a women taking ovulation medication it is very important to know her reaction towards the process and medicine. The dose of fertility medication can always be adjusted and altered according to the number of eggs released, in case of less or more eggs release. The goal of follicle monitoring is to check if the eggs are being released.
Soon after the eggs are retrieved the patient is advised for a planned intercourse or IUI(Intra-uterine insemination).
Why is follicular monitoring done-?
Follicular monitoring helps you know your most fertile day to maximize the chances of conception. Come to Beborn, Infertility Clinic for Follicular Test in Mumbai.
Follicular studies are also done to monitor and to check a woman’s response to the medications given for Ovulation as it is very important to know if the woman is actually responding to the process. The scan also determines the health of the eggs being released.