IUI or Intra-uterine Insemination

IUI or Intrauterine insemination is a process of injecting the sperm directly into the uterus to increase the chances of conception in couples. The sperm sample from the male is retrieved and injected into the uterus of the female while she’s ovulating. IUI can be done at the time of the natural ovulation or it can also be done during the ovulation stimulation. The normal passage of the sperm is from the ejaculation phase to the vagina- cervix-cervical mucus into the woman’s fallopian tubes. In IUI the sperm is directly injected into the woman’s uterus ruling out all the problems that might occur when the sperm has to travel.
In case of male infertility IUI increases the chances of conception when the infertility is due to immotile sperm or a morphologically abnormal sperm, as the placement of the sperm in this process is very close to the egg. In case of female infertility IUI helps because female’s cervical mucus is quite hostile to the sperm i.e. it inhibits the entry of the sperm inside the organ.
IUI is considered to be a less invasive and a less expensive method of assisted reproductive technology as compared to other techniques. Another very close technique is Fallopian tube sperm perfusion (FSP) using a similar technique with the only change that the sperm is injected into the fallopian tube rather than the uterus.
IUI can be used in the following cases-
- Mild moderate male factor infertility
- Mild endometriosis
- Unexplained infertility
- Cervical mucus problems
Benefits of IUI-
As explained above, IUI is a less invasive and a less expensive way of assisted reproductive technique. It therefore does not involve surgical oocyte retrieval which requires anesthesia. Since it is not expensive as compared to other techniques, it saves a lot for the infertility patients.
Risks involved during IUI-
The main risk involved with IUI is the risk of multiple pregnancies especially when IUI is done in combination with ovarian hyperstimulation; in that case the eggs released during ovarian stimulation are more in number than the normal stimulation the risk of fertilizing the number of eggs is more. Each of these eggs has the potential to fertilize with the sperm when they come in contact. Multiple pregnancies carry increased risk of health for the fetuses, miscarriages and low birth weight to name a few. We at BeBorn Gynecology in Mumbai ensure complete cycle monitoring to prevent such complications.