1After having sex, most of the semen leaks out of my vagina. Can this be a cause of infertility?
It is perfectly normal to have discharge or loss of seminal fluid after intercourse. This leakage is termed as effluvium seminis and its occurrence is a surety that your husband ejaculated inside you and irrespective of the amount that leaks out afterwards enough semen has already reached the cervical mucus.
2Can painful periods be a cause of infertility?
Mild to moderate pain during periods is normal .However unbearable or progressively worsening pain at the time of when periods are due and pain during intercourse may point to endometriosis which is a cause of infertility.
3Can Irregular periods be a cause of infertility?
Regular periods suggest ovulation is occurring. Irregular periods do point to abnormal ovulation which is a leading cause of infertility. Hence investigating to know the causes is highly recommended
4What are the causes of Infertility?
The abnormal ovulation and anatomical abnormalities such as damaged fallopian tubes are seen to be most frequently associated with infertility .Endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia are also seen quite commonly. Male infertility may be due to disorders of sperm production affecting quality as well as quantity, anatomical obstructions or any immunological factors .However in many cases infertility still remains unexplained